Education Library Location
Set apart from the rest of the main campus, the Education Library is located just east of 13th street between SW 5th and 8th Ave. Entrance to the library can be found from either the north parking lot or south parking garage at Norman Hall. Walkways from both parking areas lead into the center of Norman’s buildings where the library is located.
1500 Norman Hall
POB 117016
618 SW 12th St.
Gainesville, FL 32611-7016
Education Library Floor Plan
First floor

Quiet conversations allowed:
- Circulation Desk
- Reference Assistance
- Lactation Room
- Family Restroom
- Children’s and Young Adult Books
- Current Print Journals
- Staff Offices
- 20 Public Computers
- Public Printer
- Public Scanner
- Dry Erase Boards
- Group Study Rooms 1506, and 1507
Second Floor

Quiet conversations allowed:
- General Collection
- PreK-12 Textbooks
- 24 Dual Monitor Public Computers
- Public Printer
- Accessible Restroom
- Group Study Rooms 2501, 2503, 2504, and 2508